Blog - The Modern Financial Advisor

Insurance, P&C, Benefits, and Tax Revenue Enhancements

Written by Eli Gassert | Sep 1, 2021
While you all were taking vacations and sunbathing your way through August (you know who you are!), Truelytics was busy with their TruePerformance industry expansion efforts. Oh, and in our infinite spare time, we also dreamed up and delivered a new feature called Data Feeds at the core of our application that we see having many applications moving forward. Excited to learn more? Of course you are! Read on...

Insurance... and Some of his Buddies

Remember how excited we were when we said we were going to add Insurance to our TruePerformance module? Well imagine our elation when we realized we could, at the same time, add Property & Casualty, Benefits, and Tax! The dev team worked closely with Owen Dahl to plan out this new expansion and begin development. We were able to define the scope of input changes and even get them developed and pushed to our QA servers for testing. Nothing calculates yet, but we feel pretty confident that we've got it mostly finalized. Check out the screenshots below.

Revenue Intake by Industry

Client Intake Changes

One thing to keep in mind is that these screenshots represent an unrealistic business -- that is, a business that sells into every industry we support. That scenario is very improbable. I wanted to show you all the dynamic inputs that we support depending on the industries you opt into. Normally the intake would look much, much more manageable for a real firm.

Data Feeds

Our newest feature, Data Feeds, allows us to connect to outside data sources and map the data into Truelytics. For those in the "data field" it's like a like ETL process. On the Truelytics side, you define the fields (schema for you data people) and how it maps to the data. And from there, you wire up the data feed. For now, that means uploading a CSV, but we see this also working with SFTP pulls and APIs.

The beauty of data feeds is that it merges the changes versus a wholesale replacement of the data. And, once the data feed data is processed and translated into Truelytics, it triggers an update notification that the rest of the Truelytics platform can listen to and act on.

Confused? Let's break down the first use case that we used when implementing the feature:

  • We wanted to create a data feed to pull the latest ADV data for RIAs from the SEC website.
  • We created a Data Feed in the new Data Feed admin page.
  • We created the fields we wanted to map (the ADV file has HUNDREDS of fields -- we wanted about 50)
  • We mapped the fields from the spreadsheet.
  • We upload the latest version of the spreadsheet

Now we have data. What can we do with it? Head over to TrueMatch where now you can create an Opportunity Type based on a Data Feed.

You can also filter the main list from the Data Feed. Only want RIAs over $1B in AUM? You can do that!

After you filter the data, you map the data from the Data Field to your Opportunity Type's fields.

Hit save, and you're done! Now, any time the Data Feed updates, your TrueMatch opportunities will automatically update. New RIAs get added to the feed? New Opportunities will automatically appear. Data changed in the feed? Data will change in the Opportunity. RIAs no longer exist in the data feed? Opportunities will be automatically archived.

That's it! Set it and forget it.

And that's just one application of Data Feeds. We see our Enterprise customers adding their own data feeds that can be tied to TruePerformance Intake data; TrueContinuity continuity locker settings; and recruits in TrueRecruit, to name a few examples.


And as always, if there’s something that you’d like to see, please feel free to reach out and let us know.