Blog - The Modern Financial Advisor

Truelytics Help System 2.0

Written by Eli Gassert | Dec 10, 2020

Not sure what EBOC or EBITDA is? Not quite sure how to answer that one question on the TruePerformance eValuation intake? Fret not! Our new Help System has you covered!We try to make our user interface as easy to understand and as user friendly as possible. But sometimes, it's simply not possible to capture all the meaning of something in a one liner on the screen. That's why a few weeks ago we created a new help system that gives us more flexibility in providing help to you; and gives you more access to help content, including our rich resource center.

We've had an integrated help system in Truelytics for quite some time. Throughout our intake forms, you've probably seen the little icon to help you decide how to answer a question. But the old system was hard to maintain and was not as user friendly -- for you, our dear users! -- as we would have liked. So we decided to rewrite the help system from the ground up. Let's take a look at the key benefits.

  • Inline Help - For things that need just a little bit more context, and without having to click on our help icons within the app, we're now providing help context right on the screen.
  • Deeper Dive - When inline help isn't enough, we still have the help icons -- just now, we have more of them!
  • Interactive Help - We now have the ability to embed rich content in our help content. Links, images, and videos can all be embedded in help content.
  • Help Everywhere! - Our help content is no longer just on our intake forms. We've spent a lot of time adding help to other parts of our application, most notably to our TruePerformance Reports. We try to explain the meaning behind each of the acronyms in our reports as well as some of the special sauce that goes into some critical calculations.
  • Universal - This is something a user might not notice, but we notice as administrators of the help content. In the old system, if two pages needed help explaining what to fill in for Firm Year Established, then the help needed to be added independently on each page. Not so anymore! Wherever there's a common field, the help system will track with it. This will be most notable when you consider that the Truelytics platform is comprised of different products: TrueRecruit, TruePerformance, TrueContinuity, and TrueMatch. Now, all common fields shared among the different modules will benefit from having the same, shared help content.

We are by no means closing the book on the new Help System. The framework is in place, but the content will continue to be refined. In just the last few weeks since our launch of the new feature, we've already added 57 unique pieces of help content. Every day, as we meet with our customers and users, we'll look to improve our help content and make our application better for you.

As always, please feel free to reach out and let us know if there's anything  we can do to make your experience better.